The purpose of this blog is to express my ideas about a verity of different films and how digital technology has effected film making within the last forty years

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Blade Runner

Los Angeles, 2019: Rick Deckard of the LPD's Blade Runner unit prowls the steel & micro-chip jungle of the 21st century for assumed humanoids known as 'replicants'. Replicants were declared illegal after a bloody mutiny on an Off-World Colony, and are to be terminated upon detection. Man's obsession with creating a being equal to himself has back-fired
Blade Runner this film bring a few different questions to mind, mainly dealing with Artifical Intelligence and the idea of immortality. The Replicants are the most advance A.I. that has ever been created they look and act like humans. Even when they are killed blood and gore come out instead of wires and batter acid. Blade Runner bring to mind at what point does the A.I. become an individual with all of the same rights as a human. Also by giving these replicants memories does this only add to their individuality.(

The idea of immortality is also brought into this film. By having the replicants with memories it brings to question how long would it be until a human placed all of their memories into a replicants body. Is this the next evolution of humanity? To become binded with technology into the sense we will be unable to live without it. Is this the solution to all of the problems with A.I.? Placing all of our memories and thought into a body that is artificial? By doing this do we really answer our question concerning A.I. Man is jealous of A.I. or a cyborg, it will never die as long as its parts are replaced and it is serviced.

One thing that I didnt get within the film was all of the Asian culture within L.A. granted I could see the increase of Asian culture on the west coast but to the point where the majority of the city,we see, is Asian? I dont understand what the directer was going for here, especially for the year being 2019. I could see the shock value in it. Look how crazy looking L.A. is in the future it has all become as though it was a chinatown section within a city. Although this is a problem I have with the film it does not take away from the rest of the film and how great it truly is.


Hacker/arcade owner Kevin Flynn is desperate to prove that the hottest videogames from ENCOM were stolen from him by a former co-worker, who is now a senior executive there. Flynn's efforts, however, are made fruitless by ENCOM's "Big Brother," the megalomaniacal Master Control Program. One night, the MCP catches Flynn in an attempted hack and pulls him into the virtual world. Flynn finds that the MCP is making life in the virtual world just as, if not more, miserable as in the real world. Flynn's only hope is to find TRON, a heroic independent system security program, and help him destroy the MCP to bring order to both worlds. (

Tron allows the audience to fully become immersed withing the film. By taking the human character and placing him into a computer the audience is also transported with him. The detail of the film allows for the audience to full understand the film. Also by using games of the time and also computers of the time it showed the audience that we are living in the future now. This goes a long with other films that we have already viewed. The idea that we are living in the future in the present is able to be seen within Tron just as it did in other films viewed thus far.

Looking at Tron a few different elements come to mind, the first being the large underling theme of ancient Greece. This only comes into play when looking into the computer. The outfits that the programs wear are very symbolic of ancient Greece. Also the idea of the games and having to fight within them also goes along with this concept. Epically that other programs are stolen and made into slaves to fight in the game just as slaves were forced to fight in the gladiator fights.

The idea of a quest that Tron must go on also cosponsoring with the notice of the Greek that often a mortal would have to go on a quest for the gods and in some instance the gods would help themselves. Tron is able to show the use of new digital technology within film, it creates a new digital Greece within the computer age.